Optimist, Activist,Optometrist and Reservist. Welcome to my world.

Friday 29 February 2008


Dooms Day 2012
21 12 2012
Here we come!
If you're thinking that this is another Singapore Government initiative e.g GOAL 2010 - World Cup here we come!... sorry to disappoint you with cheese.. because it's not.
Recently, there has been much hype throughout the internet community about the End of the World, known also as DOOMSDAY, THE END OF DAYS, APOCALYPSE, and other religious connotations such as RAPTURE and ARMAGEDDON etc..

Increasingly, it has become more mainstream.. making appearances in mainstream media such as Radio and Television. I was listening to the radio that day (in Melbourne) on Mix 101 and I heard the DJ remarking about how his daughter raves on and on about how the world will end in 2012, more specifically 21st Dec, 2012 (21.12.12)

Abstract from Wikipedia:

2012 is sometimes claimed to be a great year of spiritual transformation (or apocalypse). Many esoteric sources interpret the completion of the thirteenth B'ak'tun cycle in the Long Count of the Maya calendar (which occurs on December 21 by the most widely held correlation) to mean there will be a major change in world order.

Accordingly, several eclectic authors claim that a major, world-changing event will take place in 2012:..

I first heard about it from my buddy Nigel, who became the modern equivalent of prophet Jeremiah amongst us. Intrigued, I asked him for the links to the video he watched.. Apparently, it was rather compelling and made in such a documentary-like style that it is almost... *gasp* believable! (a little bit of skepticism here.. hehe..)

For those who still DON'T know what I'm talking about.. please watch the 2 Videos below.. it's a 40 min 'Documentary'! Best enjoyed with popcorn and a pinch of light heartedness.
The End of Days Part 1:

The End of Days Part 2:


OMG!! You actually clicked the link and WATCHED the entire video??!?!? NoOoOOoooOoo... Scream together now with me, "Give me the 40 min of my life back (excluding the time wasted on streaming)!!! "
My Take on this video:
Ok, now that we have got it and done with the video.. My take on it is..
. .
The video definitely sent a chill down my mortal spine. Although I wholly agree with the show's skeptic, Dr ..... , watching the video somehow makes me feel uneasy. With the impending Oil Peak and Global Warming... I suspect that the 'End of Days' would be a slow, gradual (probably painful) process rather than a sudden Wham!-Bam!-You're All Dead! kinda thing..
Firstly, the video reminds us of the fragile nature of human life... take home message is.. once in a while, it pays to comtemplate your own mortality. Whenever you are feeling stressed, low or pathetic.. just imagine.. your own death. If you would just die tomorrow, would the thing bothering you now (e.g. brooding over something stupid you did, or having to work particularly hard just to meet a deadline) be worth it beating youself up over instead of seeking true happiness?
For my buddhist readers and friends, I recommend the book titled: Buddhism for Busy People by David Michie
Also.. as an Optometrist. Predictions and prophecies made by a bunch of old hermits seems rather lacking in scientific basis. I'm very sure that in the 'I-Ching', the prediction of the fall of Rome was not seen as an International World wide crisis at that point of time.. I mean.. one man's defeat is another's victory eh? I'm also quite certain that in the 'high' points of human history (spikes in the graph) as predicted by I-Ching, certain disasters or calamities must have occured as well in the same time frame.
The Energy Crisis and Global Warming
Yes.. this is the REAL problem we face. For those who have not watched the Movie: An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore.. it's about time you did! Our world IS facing serious problems now.. as in RIGHT NOW.. today.. we could possibly be the second last- last generation of humans (chey.. just saying that to intrigue you, hope it did haha) around if we do not act now.
Peak Oil Theory and the Last Oil Shock
People who know me well, know that I've been going on for some time now about Peak oil and the energy crisis. It ALL started when I chanced upon theis book titled: The Last Oil Shock: The imminent extinction of Petroleum Man . My life has changed ever since then. It's very easy to read and explains in layman terms the consequences of oil shortage, how it would indirectly lead to famine and why 'Alternative Fuels like biofuels or hydrogen' just DO NOT MAKE THE cut. Coupled with films by AL Gore and the world wide SOS movement.. and the rather recent initiative by the Singapore Government to the building of Dykes in Singapore and establishment of the Climate Change Strategy, I understand that my concerns have been caught up in the mainstream too. Very proud of what the Singapore Government is doing, to take the necessary steps to ensure a sustainable future for us.
Enough said.. In summary, I feel that we should invest our resources and strength into seeking ways to tackle the real life problems that we face, instead of the so called impending End-of-Days (which cant be helped.. right? =p)
Hehe... cant wait for the Doomsday 2012 movie to arrive..

1 comment:

Eugene Fu said...

I'm going to say something that might insult the believers of the dooms day theory... It's CRAP!

What happened to the y2k when they said then that it was the end of the world as well?

I swear Super Markets will earn big big Bucks when we near that day, like what happened when we were preparing for the year 2000.